
Iwona Falkiner

Managing Director

Iwona provides stakeholder engagement and communications consulting services to private and public sector clients in the property and infrastructure sectors. She works primarily in the project origination phase, supporting clients to attract capital or partners; or secure regulatory approvals or preferred bidder status. Her commercial acumen and written communications skills, combined with decades of dealing with external stakeholders, enables her to provide insights and advice that is evidence-based and customer-focused

Prior to starting her consultancy in 2019, Iwona spent 20 years in ASX-listed companies across property development, infrastructure, mining, and financial services, including Lendlease, United Group, IAG and Genworth. She represented each of these companies as ASX and Media Spokesperson, and built and led multidisciplinary investor relations, external affairs and cross-function project teams that were high performing and recognised for their value-add contributions, and collegiate working style. 

Iwona spent the formative years of her career in the Western Australian government procurement policy and committee secretariat environments, providing her with inside working knowledge of policy development and governance processes; and the machinery of government.  

She holds a Bachelor of Commerce from The University of Western Australia, Graduate Diploma of Communication from Edith Cowan University, and a Graduate Certificate of Engagement from the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia.